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Blog > 100+ Perfect Hen Party Would You Rather Questions

100+ Perfect Hen Party Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather an unforgettable hen party game experience or have a bored group? Choose the right Would You Rather questions and you’ll be guaranteed a fun hen party games night for the Bride-To-Be and for all the girls.

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A woman pointing in two different directions to decide on her would you rather questions

The mix of Would you Rather questions you choose for your hen party game will make or break the experience for your group.

In this article, we’ll outline the game rules, what you’ll need to play and over 100 Would You Rather questions in categories like: dating & relationships, dirty questions, things to give up and things to gain, plus more!

The rules

This hen party game couldn’t be more simple! All you have to do is:

  1. Choose a leader or take turns reading out your Would You Rather questions
  2. You can have everyone take turns answering the same question or one question per person.
  3. It’s up to you if you want everyone to take a drink after they’ve answered or just enjoy the hilarity without the drinks.

We’ll go first! Would you rather a hen party on the beaches of Marbella or the bright city lights of London?

What you’ll need

  • Your list of Would You Rather questions for your hen do game (at least 10 but we usually play with 20-40, depending on your group size)
  • Some prosecco or mocktails might come in handy if you’re getting everyone to take a sip after they answer their question

Wedding would you rather questions

  1. Would you rather let your partner plan the wedding on their own or have to do everything yourself DIY with no suppliers to help?
  2. Would you rather have a beach wedding or a romantic castle wedding?
  3. Would you rather have farty gas on your first date or your wedding night?
  4. Would you rather have your wedding photos accidentally deleted or have your wedding dress ruined the day before your wedding?
  5. Would you rather torrential rain or sweltering heat on your wedding day?
  6. Would you rather a Harry Potter or a Lord Of The Rings themed wedding?
  7. Would you rather have your ex object during the ceremony or have a member of the bridal party show an embarrassing montage of drunk pictures of you during their speech?
  8. Would you rather wear heels to the gym or sneakers to your wedding?
  9. Would you rather have no one to show up for your wedding or your funeral?
  10. Would you rather someone spring a surprise proposal at the wedding without telling you or have your mother-in-law wear a white gown on the day?
  11. Would you rather be left at the altar or find out the day after that they had doubts?

Dating & relationship questions

  1. Would you rather marry a 10 with a bad personality or a 5 with a good personality?
  2. Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?
  3. Would you rather marry Donald Trump or Boris Johnson?
  4. Would you rather have another 10 years with your partner or a one-night stand with your celebrity crush?
  5. Would you rather have 10 years with your true love and never date again or date lots of nice guys forever but never find your ‘the one’?
  6. Would you rather meet the love of your life knowing that they’ll die in a year or never meet them?
  7. Would you rather find true love or be filthy rich?
  8. Would you rather find your soulmate or your calling?
  9. Would you rather not have sex for a year or have it every day of your life but not orgasm ever?
  10. Would you rather have an OK marriage or a one-night stand with your dream guy?
  11. Would you rather date a broke young man who’s good in bed or a rich old man who’s terrible in bed?
  12. Would you rather your partner always forget your anniversary or your birthday?

Dirty questions

  1. Would you rather have sex on a beach or in a hot tub?
  2. Would you rather be on top or bottom?
  3. Would you rather have a threesome with two guys or a guy and a girl?
  4. Would you rather be the spankER or the spankEE?
  5. Would you rather send nudes to a stranger or send nudes to an ex?
  6. Would you rather sleep with someone on the first date or be forced to wait a year?
  7. Would you rather accidentally send a dirty text to your boss or a sexy voicemail to your mom?
  8. Would you rather masturbate all day or have sex all day?
  9. Would you rather pay for sex or get paid for it?
  10. Play a French maid or sexy teacher?
  11. Would you rather he always finish within 2 minutes or you never be able to orgasm again?
  12. Would you rather have your hair pulled or your back scratched?
  13. Would you rather get a massage with peanut butter or honey?

Girlie questions

  1. Would you rather never wear makeup again or choose one makeup look and keep it on forever?
  2. Would you rather a big night out dancing with your girls or a quiet movie night and sleepover?
  3. Would you rather never have monthly cramps again or never have to shave again?
  4. Would you rather have REALLY long leg hair that you couldn’t remove or a permanent moustache?
  5. Would you rather have a very dark fake tan that won’t come off or badly done tattooed eyebrows?
  6. Would you rather have a weekend away with the girls in a fancy hotel or glamping in the gorgeous countryside?

Funny questions

  1. Would you rather your only mode of transportation be an elephant or a push bike with training wheels?
  2. Would you rather get around on a pogo stick or a space hopper?
  3. Would you rather wear a sexy stripper dress and heels or comfy jeans, trainers and a loud Hawaiian shirt forever?
  4. Would you rather always have ugly haircuts or go bald?
  5. Would you rather grow a tail or have a permanent huge pimple on your nose?

Tough questions

  1. Would you rather know how you die or know when you die?
  2. Would you rather win €/£50,000 or your best friend win €/£100,000
  3. Would you rather save your best friend’s life if it meant five strangers would die or save five strangers if it meant sacrificing your best friend?
  4. Would you rather be a billionaire and keep all of your money or be poor but able to give every homeless person in the world €/£10,000

Gross questions

  1. Would you rather have a mouse in your bedroom or a cockroach in your bed?
  2. Would you rather sneeze every minute or hiccup every hour?
  3. Would you rather share a bed with a snake or a hippopotamus?
  4. Would you rather swim across a river filled with sewerage or dead bodies?

Things to give up

  1. Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?
  2. Would you rather lose your sight or hearing?
  3. Would you rather be in jail for 2 years or be in a coma for 5 years?
  4. Would you rather live without music or without TV?
  5. Would you rather lose both your big toes or both your thumbs?

Things to gain

  1. Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or gain all future knowledge you will have immediately?
  2. Would you rather have a maid or a personal chef?
  3. Would you rather be covered in fur or scales?
  4. Would you rather detect every lie you hear or get away with every lie you tell?
  5. Would you rather have x-ray vision or be able to turn invisible?
  6. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
  7. Would you rather be able to control animals or machines with your mind?
  8. Would you rather have the ability to see 10 minutes into the future or 150 years into the future?
  9. Would you rather always get to fly first class or always be able to eat at any restaurant for free?
  10. Would you rather be able to play every musical instrument or speak every human language?
  11. Would you rather be able to control fire or control water?
  12. Would you rather be able to read people’s minds or be able to ask anyone 3 questions and always hear the truth?
  13. Would you rather be able to stop time at will or age at half the normal human rate?

Being forced to do something

  1. Would you rather be forced to dance every time you hear music or be forced to sing along to any song you hear?
  2. Would you rather wear the same socks for a month or the same underwear for a week?
  3. Would you rather always have an annoying song stuck in your head or always have an itch that you can’t reach?
  4. Would you rather walk to work in heels or drive to work in reverse?
  5. Would you rather be a vegetarian forever or only eat meat forever?
  6. Would you rather have your least favourite song played on a constant loop or never listen to music again?

Travel questions

  1. Would you rather travel for 1 year on a tight budget or live in a single country for 1 year and live the high life?
  2. Would you rather an Ibiza beach holiday or a Swiss skiing holiday?
  3. Would you rather hold a baby koala or watch baby polar bears in the wild?
  4. Would you rather be able to speak every human language or speak with animals?
  5. Would you rather be stuck on a tropical island by yourself or with someone who never stops talking?
  6. Would you rather be able to fly to every non-coastal city in the world or sail in a boat to every coastal town in the world?
  7. Would you rather be stuck on a plane surrounded by crying babies or snoring old men?

Deep questions

  1. Would you rather become immortal or die in the next year?
  2. Would you rather have a child who is a genius but lacks empathy or a child who is kind and of average intelligence?
  3. Would you rather lose a year’s wages or lose your memories from the last year?
  4. Would you rather always have to tell the truth or believe everything you’re told?
  5. Would you rather save the life of a loved one or save the lives of 3 strangers?
  6. Would you rather be able to travel back in time to meet your 3rd great-grandparents or travel forward in time to meet your 3rd great-grandchildren?
  7. Would you rather continue on with your life or starting it all over again?
  8. Would you rather be remembered in history books for doing something terrible or be completely forgotten after you die?
  9. Would you rather be able to change your future or your past?
  10. Would you rather be 10 years old or 80 years old for your whole life?
  11. Would you rather be reincarnated as an elephant or as a lion?
  12. Would you rather be able to save the life of the one person you love most in the world or be able to save the lives of 10 strangers?
  13. Would you rather win the lottery but lose all of your friends or keep your friends but never get another raise in your life?
  14. Would you rather be world-renowned as a great beauty or as someone who is highly intelligent?
  15. Would you rather live once to 1,000 years old or be given the choice to live 10 x 100 year lives?

Can you do Would You Rather questions virtually?

A game of Would You Rather is a really easy hen party game choice if you’re planning a virtual hen party on Zoom or Skype. All you have to do is:

  1. Set up your online hen party video call
  2. Get each girl in your group to ask a Would You Rather question to the bride-to-be
  3. OR Have someone lead the game and get them to ask each girl in the group a question and go around again.

Why you should choose this hen party game

Most hen party games require a lot of planning time, setup, buying props and equipment and just hassle that you don’t need. We’d recommend Would You Rather for your hen do game because it’s:

  • Free to play
  • You don’t need to buy props
  • You don’t have to lead the game and not participate – just pass the question bowl around the circle!
  • This is the perfect icebreaker if your group don’t know each other well or to help good friends to get to know each other on a deeper level.


Whichever Would You Rather questions you choose, we hope this list helps you to pick some funny options, some wedding-related options and some heartfelt options that help your hen do group to get to know each other better, laugh a lot and celebrate the bride-to-be!

Let us know if you’ve played before with some cracking questions! And, as always, if we can help you to plan a memorable hen party for yourself or someone you love, please get in touch.

Need help with your Hen Party?

If you’re in hen research mode, check out all of our hen party destinations and hen party ideas.

For help booking your hen weekend or to discuss your ideas, chat with us live during office hours, submit a quick enquiry or contact us for any other queries.

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